Each year, PPS-PC conducts community conversations with hundreds of individuals gathering experiences about our public schools.
We compile those comments into a written report that is also presented orally to our Board of Education. We include recommendations for what should continue and any changes the community might like to see. As we tell participants at the conversations, we like to imagine that PPS-PC is a vehicle that holds the voices of the community and drives them to key decision makers in our community.
This year, 262 individuals participated in 21 conversations.
Participants included a diverse range: Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, Girl Scout leaders, PTA participants, parenting groups organized by local nonprofits, and members of nonprofit boards, among others.
We discovered that participants were most notably happy with the community connections made by Pitt County Schools. Individuals recognized that the schools are working with numerous community partners to strengthen their impact on our students, including colleges and universities, afterschool programs, and nonprofits. As we determined themes about what needed improvement in our schools, we saw that many participants emphasized the need for more equity among the schools. They recognized that each school has unique needs based on the population it serves, and that each school should be considered individually when considering its needs. In other words, participants advocated that each school should get its needs met, rather than all schools getting the exact same resources.
Community conversations are a great way for members of our community to feel empowered that their voices can be heard...
Community conversations are a great way for members of our community to feel empowered and to feel that voices can be heard and can make a difference among key decision makers. PPS-PC provides an avenue for people to share their voices anonymously, in a setting that feels safe and open. School board members have expressed that they appreciate this feedback, and often use the yearly report as a guide when making important decisions.