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School Readiness Calendar by Excel by 5

Resources That Support Open Communication

  • Learning Heroes’ Readiness Roadmap can help you determine what your child should be learning and doing by grade level.
  • Seek Common Ground and Student Achievement Partners provides family guides that can help you understand what your child should be learning this year. This resource is organized by grade level.
  • Keep Learning California offers a list of questions that parents can use as conversation starters with your child’s teacher and campus administrators. This resource also provides resources for families of children with unique learning needs.

Resource To Help You Share Your Concerns

  • The Center for Public Research and Leadership at Columbia University offers sample emails that can help you connect with your child’s teacher.

Resources to Assist You in Improving Your Child’s School Experience

  • This letter provides initial ideas when addressing concerns with your child’s principal or school board.
  • Your child’s rights should be protected at all costs. As a parent, you have the right to contact the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights on behalf of your child if you have questions or concerns that are not being addressed on the school/district level. (Note: It is always important to start with your local school and/or district first.)


Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Charter Schools




Homework Help
