Parents have the absolute right to choose the education institution they believe is best for their children; they do not have the right to pilfer public tax funds to pay for that choice.
Thank you, Ms. Goff, for your unequivocal support of public education in your letter to the editor, “A head’s up for public schools in Tennessee”. Thank you for not flying the banner of “school choice,” under which we see the continual erosion of funding for our public schools.
We at Parents for Public Schools (PPS) are also unequivocal in our support for public education and in our opposition to any program or policy that takes public funds to educate children in any arena other than public schools. Parents have the absolute right to choose the education institution they believe is best for their children; they do not have the right to pilfer public tax funds to pay for that choice.
PPS agrees with you, Ms. Goff, that public education is under attack today and those of us who believe that this American institution is worth protecting, supporting, and saving must continue to speak out against vouchers and any form of choice that does not pay its own way. More importantly, we must seek leaders like you who believe the same.