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“Super Public Schools ” for All Kids: We Know How to Do This

Today’s blog entry has been written by Jeanne Jehl, the president of the Parents for Public Schools Board of Directors.   Jehl has been an assistant to the superintendent in the San Diego City Schools.  She directed a study of school-linked services at the U.S. Department of Education, and promoted federal-state partnerships to strengthen families with the White House Domestic Policy Council. As an independent consultant, she has worked with the Coalition for Community Schools, the Collaborative Communications Group, and the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Jeanne and her husband, Joseph, live in Annapolis, Maryland. The recent buzz over “XQ: The…

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High quality education remains PPS’s commitment

As we launch our new Parents for Public Schools website, I am reminded that our PPS mission of advancing the role of families and communities in securing a high quality education for every child is more important than ever.  Public schools are a unique part of our democracy.  When the first settlers in New England founded their communities they were required to build a church, a public meeting place and a school.  Public schools emerged as a way to support a democratic society.  We can debate whether the quality or inclusiveness of our schools were fair but we know that…

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